Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

With 2008 behind us we started 2009 with a bang. Brayden had a stomach bug which caused 24 hours of vomiting. I got sick with a cold that day so that canceled our plans for going out that night. We ended up in our jammies and ordered some sushi which I didn't mind especially with the crappy weather outside. The next day (Jan.2) we had to go out to buy some formula and we decided to go out to eat afterward.

The food was really great. Not so much a few hours later. Nathan ended up with a violent case of food poisoning. It was the worst I had ever seen (I'll spare you the details and you'll thank me for it). We spent all night scrubbing our carpets while trying not to wake Brayden up. We were literally out of commission for 2 days. My mother had to pick Brayden up and take him overnight. We're somewhat recovered now minus my cold still lingering but I'll tell you one thing, we won't be eating red meat for a long time! So that's how we spent our new year. Woohoo!

Despite all the early drama in the new year, Nathan and I managed to come up with goals for the new year. Since Nathan's goal last year seemed like it was "Always Late in 2008," he's made his New Year's resolution this year, "On time in 2009." Mine is a biggie. I've been really bad about bad-mouthing my husband and complaining to others about his short-comings. So much so that it's really affected Nathan. I feel terrible about it and so my goal towards him is "Be Kind in 2009." I need to focus more on what he does that I appreciate than magnify his short-comings. Just keepin' it real ya'll. I'm sure we can come up with more goals, but these are big ones for us that I know will help solidify our marriage.

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