Thursday, April 10, 2008

Childbirth Classes and Cribs

If anyone told me beforehand that I'd spend over 5 hours deciding on what crib to get, I'd look at them as if they were crazy and obsessed! Well, tis me, (going) crazy and obsessed. I swear, it seems like we're buying a car or something. Any woman who hasn't had a baby in recent years will tell you that they never had as many crib options as we do today. Nathan and I have gone to 2 different Babies R Us stores only to find out, they all have the same cribs and dressers on display.

Now if I were to compare the amount of cribs they have available online with what they have in-store, you'd be amazed. Sure, you can order a crib online, but then JUST as you find one you like, there's no matching dresser for it AND you don't get to preview one in person before you hit "Add Item to Cart."
We're looking for a crib and dresser set (preferably a tall 5-drawer rather than the long ones) that our son can use for a 'lifetime.' You know, the one that's a crib, which converts to a toddler bed, to a day bed, to a full size bed.

Then we need to consider a child as he's teething. We love dark woods and even black, but when baby becomes a teething woodchuck, his marks will become very evident.
We've decided recently that instead of rushing to choose a crib and dresser now, we'd take our time. Besides, am I really going to use the crib when Baby M comes home? Probably not. I'll probably use the pack and play or our bed. So we have time, no pressure, at least for now.

On to our first "Preparing for Childbirth" class. We had a pretty good sized group, about 8 couples total. All due in either June or July
and delivering at the same hospital we will be delivering at. The instructor is a mother of 3, so I knew her information and knowledge would be very beneficial to me. Several things talked about traumatized me.

When they showed how a baby fits through a mother's pelvic bone and how that bone expands to give room for the baby's head.

When they gave us an illustration of what "dilating at 10 centimeters" looks like.

When the instructor shows us a poster to illustrate where all of your internal organs end up as your baby grows.

When your instructor says, "I'm not gonna lie to you all and say that delivering a baby feels like a lot of pressure. You will feel pain, the most intense pain you'll ever experience."
Other than those few scary moments, Nathan and I were in awe that a woman is able
to have children and that your body instinctively expels of the baby when it's the right time. I got a sense of empowerment as a woman, knowing that women can bear the most intense pain, yet they'd it all over again because it's worth it.

Well I'm officially in my 7th month now! 3 more months to go and he's here! Overall I feel good. I'm experiencing the awkwardness of the Braxton Hicks about 7 times a day, my lower back and hips constantly ache, and I find myself getting tired more often. My belly is now getting in the way of me comfortably washing the dishes. Maybe it's time to break the news to Nathan that he's now in charge of dishes. LOL!
I'm now at a point where I can figure out where our baby's body parts are based on his movements. Whenever he stretches I can feel a round sized mass of what I believe to be is his butt. It's to the right of my belly button. So when he stretches out like that, I rub his bum and say, "BIG stretch!"

Age of fetus: 28 weeks (11 weeks, 6 days to go!)
What's going on this week:
He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
What's going on with Mommy: You're in the home stretch! The third and final trimester starts this week. If you're like most women, you'll gain about 11 pounds this trimester. Around this time, some women feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep. If this sensation is at least temporarily relieved when you move, you may have what's known as restless legs syndrome (RLS). No one knows for sure what causes RLS, but it's relatively common among expectant mothers. Try stretching or massaging your legs, and cut down on caffeine, which can make the symptoms worse. Ask your caregiver if you should try iron supplements, which can sometimes relieve RLS.
Baby's Size: Your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels.
Mood: Happy
Cravings: None
Energy: Mostly low
Morning Sickness: NONE!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You look adorable! And fabulous!!

You know, in my personal experience labor - specifically active labor after 7cm or so - is intensely painful. And I mean intensely painful. But, the actual delivery is really not. You are focused, you have a job to do and you're not just waiting out the pain anymore.

The empowerment and the feeling of accomplishment I have from delivering Baby A naturally is amazing. But, Little Man came with the drugs and it was no less awesome in it's own way.