Tuesday, January 13, 2009


My baby boy has two toofies! Yay! We've seen it coming now for about a month but 2-3 weeks ago we saw what seemed to be a white dot just below his gums. My sister predicted that he's get his tooth a week after she saw him and she was right.

Now as a proud mama I blasted his poor face with tons of flashes from the camera to capture them. I stuck my finger in his mouth to pull down that bottom lip and all he could do what stick out his tongue. I DID manage to get a few non-blurry ones. You'll have to excuse the green spooge on the side of his mouth. He had just finished eating dinner. Here they are:

Yesterday he had his 6 month check-up and they told me he is as long as an average one year old. His head circumference was also off the charts. Big head like mama!

The downer for me at this appointment was when the Doctor recommended that if Brayden wasn't sitting up without support or rolling over in three weeks, I'd need to set up an appointment with Early Intervention. I told her that if I put him on his stomach, he can roll over onto his back, but he doesn't do it from his back to his belly. He also needs me to support his hips when he sits up. I sit behind him because if I don't he falls back. He has been getting better with balance.

I must admit I felt sad, offended and angry that my almost 7 month old son was already being evaluated for milestones that differ from child to child. I began to question my parenting, but then a good friend reassured me that he's OK and that a parent cannot teach a child to crawl, sit, etc. They do it on their own at their own time. The other side of me didn't want to be an arrogant first time mother.

What I care about mostly is that my son IS happy and healthy. And he seems to be thriving in those areas. I will keep my mind open to suggestions from the doctors but I also need to not doubt in myself as a parent.


Megan Snyder said...

Congrats on the toofers!!!
Jennifer, don't stress... children do things in their own time. If he's going to be half as smart as his Mommy, he's already WAY ahead of the curve. ;) Much Love and Encouragement! XOXO

RoxC said...

OMG that is so cute! He is growing up so fast!! Besitos, ROX (shiloh)

Samantha said...

Those eyes! What a doll!